Pick Me Pick Me!

For some time now, I have been thinking of volunteering in an animal shelter. I actually don’t have much free time, but I figured that a helping hand is always necessary.

My first attempt was very disappointing. The reply given was a harsh “If you don’t have time why are you here?! We have better things to do”…..hmmm ok.

It took me some time to try again. I sent an email introducing myself and offering my services as administrative, since I didn’t qualify to help cleaning the shelters. From I don’t know how many emails, I got ONE reply! They didn’t have anything for me to do, but I could be a volunteer on the kennel. Yeahhhh! I was accepted!!

…Not so fast…. I need to read the conditions first and then apply and wait for the answer. The conditions were more or less like, you need to dedicate your life to this institution and quit your day job or else you are a terrible person and should burn in hell. Hmmm FINE! I agreed and assumed that I could work something out…..

….Never heard back from them again. It’s been months! WTH?!
